2021 - Digital mind - Brand Identity
Digital mind is a digital media studio passionate about storytelling, growth marketing, visual design, and technology. We collaborate with small-to-large companies to help them engage with their audience and stand out in the market. Driven by an H2H approach, we guide you toward achieving outstanding business results.

The Digital Mind logo concept is centered around the idea of merging the power of digital technology with the intricacies of the human mind. The logo features a unique combination of punctuation marks and the letter “d” in small, which are fused together to create a distinctive and memorable icon.

Overall, the Digital Mind logo concept is a bold and innovative representation of the brand’s mission to push the boundaries of digital technology and explore the vast potential of the human mind to change the narrative.

While there is a left brain and a right brain, their use in popular culture has created a widespread misunderstanding. It’s common to believe that the left brain is for logical thinking and the right brain is for creativity.
we believe that Digital mind is the same and has two parts the logical and creative and the outstanding outputs come from the combination of them
The logical pattern

The Artistic imagination

We have used logical patterns in all the printable and descriptive text and artistic patterns with the creative matters and social media